I never actually thought that I ever wanted to go to New York, you see it on movies and TV shows, read about it in books but it seemed (to me anyways) some far off dream place that existed but never really seen. But shit we were there! The things we could do!
So after what seemed like a very traumatizing night we put on our big girl/big boy panties and went off to venture the city. So the way we had planned out our week (and yes there was an itinerary) was to go out to the Bronx and do the Bronx Zoo. We really took the bull by the horns and jumped right in to New York culture. If you are ever going to New York City I strongly suggest taking the subway EVERYWHERE you go, that thing although does not sound very safe or secure is the most useful thing in New York. There were trains that went everywhere and there seemed to be a train stop everywhere we looked. Granted it takes awhile to get used to the train in the sense that it is confusing as hell the first time you get on and try to navigate your way around. The most useful invention is Google Maps, I am not sure what we would have done if it weren't for Google Maps because that beautiful, beautiful thing got us all around New York.
I hope you remember that this is my boyfriends first journey away from the dear old motherland of Canada so seeing his facial expressions as we were walking around the immense city was hilarious! He would always be pulling me back if I made him too uncomfortable by standing what he felt was too close to the edge of the platform, telling me about how many people die a year in New York by the subway alone. If it got to be a bit too noisy for him we would have to move further down the platform away from the crowd and noise which could get a little difficult at times but he would find a way. So by going to the Bronx the first thing on our adventure was something I knew could go one of two ways, him being sketched out the entire time or him enjoying himself.
There are components of the Bronx that is exactly stereotypical of what you hear, there were a lot of low income houses, the fanciness of the apartment buildings kept on gradually getting worse and worse. Not to fear though I imagine at night this would have been a different experience, I am not sure because I did not go down there at night but when we were there it was beautiful! Although it was the middle of February the parks were colorful and pretty, not a common occurrence here in Canada. On our journey Google Maps was not very specific in the walking directions so me and my boyfriend walked aimlessly for a little bit until one of us got the courage to ask for directions to the zoo. We must have honestly looked so foreign our entire trip there, looking awestruck and lost half the time.