This is not what really happened, could you imagine? What a boring blog this would be! But I did describe a small number of people from my hometown who despise travelling and are terrified by the idea of it. Now I am an avid believer in the need for travel and experiencing the world. I traveled my entire life but I only have done any international travelling a couple times.
I have experienced the beauty of the Eiffel Tower, I have been awed by the ingenuity of the Coliseum in Rome, rode a gondola in Venice and have experienced the height of the Empire State Building. A small town Eskimo girl traveling the world is something may occur often but I doubt it is something that occurs often with someone as funny as I am. When I feel like it I am going to outline some of my fun stories of my adventures around the globe and I hope they entertain you as much as they have entertained me.
My first expert is from my first night in New York City with my boyfriend over spring break. We had traveled a good 12 hours that day and we were in Minneapolis for our layover. Man that airport is truly something else! It was a mall in an airport and already I was impressed by America! They do travelling right in America! Of course I have been to America before, I have been to Denver and New Mexico but never spent any extensive time in the airports. So although we were travelling a long time and all the stores were closed and we were hungry it was a fun experience! (Well kind of, well fun in the sense I was not ready to kill my loving boyfriend yet.) Where I come from the airlines provide you with food for long flights and I was dying of hunger and was lost at this concept of paying for food, what kind of joke is that! One more flight, one more flight was all it was until we were there! The big apple!
This was my boyfriends first international flight so being the loving girlfriend I was I decided sure why not give him the window seat! Although I was stuck looking at what is my opinion his unnaturally (who ever bears his children -- most likely me will have one unfortunate experience) large head the big apple was amazing, breath taking and all other cliches one can think of to describe a city like that. We landed in LaGuardia airport and what do we see? IPADS on all the tables, seriously Canada pick up on this trend maybe more people would be willing to pay the unreal prices of an airline ticket. So here we are, I only imagine how we must have looked all doe-eyed, awe struck and tired early twenty inexperienced travelers, we made it so easy!
Unsure how we were getting to the hotel - The New Yorker by the way even more cliches! We decided that a cab would be our best bet. But did we take a cab? NO! We took one of those personal cars that I am sure was double than a cab, every time we told the story of the cab we were given a look like "man, idiots" Although the cab driver did get us there in efficient time he did cost us 80 dollars. The minute my boyfriend gave him what I was sure too much in a tip he jump out of the taxi like a bat out of hell! Thanking us, grabbing our bags etc I knew then that we definitely paid too much. So that was the first hour within the city, there is more to this story but lets face it those who have braved reading it thus far are probably tired of my rambling.
More to come!